Misfit Manifesto - What We Believe:

Think small, act small and go quick : your strength is in your speed. You’re a little ship. It’s big enough to bring down Amazon (the Bezos, not Brazilian, version). Stand tall. 

Remember, people decide emotionally and justify rationally : people buy your things because they like how it makes them look and feel. And this is true whether you sell products or services. Buying you wakes up my own inner misfit. Buying you is being you.

Being for everybody = being for nobody. Polarise. It’s your friend. Yep.

Creatively Destruct : End things often and well, it’s part of nature. Don’t milk your products and services. They are not cows. 

Kill them regularly. It invites creativity, energy. And these are your life blood. Ending things fuels creativity. 

You’re only as strong as the network you help. But serve it genuinely, generously. 

Ever decreasing effort is the goal. Less is definitely more. Celebrate constraint. Hone your sweet spot of delight. Say ‘no’ often and free up time for only your most desirable ‘yeses’. And with it have more time, more energy, to create more valuable things. And so earn more, but that’s for another day.

Create Things. Do Things. Actions speak louder than words. Yes.

Old ideas are the best. East betters West. Lao Tzu, the gnarly old Daoist said a full and rich life can be lived in a small village. Never a truer marketing word has been said. Delight the few, not the many. And that was thousands of years ago. Old ideas are better. They come stress tested over time.

Analogue trumps digital. Digital is a route map. 
Analogue is where our hearts beat. Be landed.

Improve iteratively. Always and for ever. Like nature. Sure, know your direction of travel. And then iterate and improve. Because nothing stands still….

Everything is always changing. Uncomfortable and undeniably true.

Like this and want to know more? Try our ebook: Buddha on the board.